One powerful B2B Sales Booster kit

Fast — Easy — Powerful

Unlock sales with a proven Sales Booster Kit

Sales Booster Kit is a powerful custom-built Sales and Marketing package — crafted by ad industry seniors.

Improving revenue becomes a whole lot easier when you have the right B2B marketing fundamentals in place.

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What's in your sales booster kit?

5 key marketing components every B2B business must get right


Marketing Plan

Get clarity with straightforward, uncomplicated marketing.

Volt is supercharged to tackle all your digital marketing challenges | Volt B2B Digital Agency Singapore
Chart a clear revenue pathway and remove customer barriers and resistance.
  • Marketing Copilot

    • 4 x 1 hour marketing coaching sessions

  • Marketing Plan

    • Defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

    • Mapping your customer’s journey


High-performance Website

Create an exceptional first impression with a stunning website.

Website design and development for Groworx Global by Volt Digital Singapore
Website design and development for Everwin Rubber by Volt Digital Singapore
Good Google Search Console Results by Volt
Improve brand perception, communicate your value better and capture more leads
  • Website

    • 6 - 10 page website

    • Information architecture and site structure

    • Copyediting to Google’s “People-First” principle

    • Wireframe

    • Web design — Figma

    • Web development — Webflow

    • Multi-step web form

    • Quality assurance and cross-browser testing

    • Google Analytics 4 integration

    • Google Tag Manager setup

  • Technical SEO

    • Meta title and description

    • Schema structured data

    • ARIA labels and ALT text

    • Open Graph title, image and description

    • Canonical tag

    • Page speed optimisation

    • 301 redirects

    • Core web vitals


Verified Leads

Get a starting list of 50 verified leads — and keep adding more.

Use 50 verified emails and LinkedIn profiles of potential customers and start prospecting
  • Leads generation

    • 50 verified leads generated from your Ideal Customer Profile

      • First name

      • Last name

      • Company

      • Company email

      • LinkedIn Profile

    • Training session on leads generation

      • Add more verified leads to your list — as often as you like — grow it to the hundreds or thousands


Leads Outreach Campaign

Use this powerful, automated multichannel sequence to capture new customers.

Get automated email sequence for your leads outreach campaign from Volt Digital Singapore
Turn leads into potential buyers
  • Leads outreach campaign

    • Campaign planning

    • Campaign automation setup

    • Messaging and copywriting

      • Addressing client barriers and resistance

      • Content for emails

      • Content for LinkedIn messages

    • Automated email actions

      • Ice-breaker

      • Reminders and follow-ups

    • Automated LinkedIn actions

      • Invitations

      • Profile visits

      • LinkedIn messages


Social Media Content

The key to more clients — engage with your market early and often.

LinkedIn Impressions B2B Case Study Earnest — Volt Digital Singapore
LinkedIn Post B2B Case Study Earnest — Volt Digital Singapore
LinkedIn Post B2B Case Study Earnest — Volt Digital Singapore
Generate demand for your product — and start appearing in your customer's consideration set
  • Social media — LinkedIn

    • 4 x content topics

    • 8 x LinkedIn posts

    • 8 x LinkedIn image designs

    • 3 x hashtags sets

    • LinkedIn carousel design

Volt's Sales Booster Kit is the best out there

Crafted by industry seniors — you get over 20 years of hard-learned lessons and successes condensed into one powerful Sales Booster Kit.


Hit the market as quickly as 6 weeks.


No more confusing marketing and creative management.


It's packed with high-value services — you'll even get a new website.

Sales Booster Kit Pricing

Marketing Copilot

  • 4 x 1 hour marketing coaching sessions

Marketing Plan

  • Defining your Ideal Customer Profile

  • Customer journey map

Verified Leads

  • 50 x generated leads based on your Ideal Customer Profile

  • First name and last name

  • Company

  • Company email

  • LinkedIn profile

  • Training session on leads generation

  • Add more verified leads to your list — as often as you like

Leads Outreach Campaign

  • Campaign planning

  • Automated multi-channel sequence

  • Address barriers and resistance

  • Message crafting

  • Automated email sequence

  • Automated LinkedIn sequence

Content & Social Media

  • 4 x content topics

  • 8 x LinkedIn posts

  • 8 x LinkedIn image designs

  • 3 x hashtags sets

  • LinkedIn post template

  • LinkedIn outreach script

Technical SEO

  • Meta title and description

  • Schema structured data

  • ARIA labels and ALT text

  • Open Graph title, image and description

  • Canonical tag

  • Page speed optimisation

  • 301 redirects

  • Core web vitals

Website Revamp

  • 6 - 10 page website

  • Information architecture and site structure

  • Copyediting to Google’s “People-First” principle

  • Wireframe

  • Web design — Figma

  • Web development — Webflow

  • Multi-step web form

  • Quality assurance and cross-browser testing

  • Google Analytics 4 integration

  • Google Tag Manager setup

Creative & Project Management

  • Weekly sprint meetings

  • Management of internal creatives and external collaborators

  • Creative and art direction

  • Training and handover

  • 6 - 9 week timeline

Inject this sales and marketing engine into your business
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Speak with a strategist

What our clients say


Kelvin Goh — Founder

The Volt team have been excellent in the service they provided to ActivEdge. Beyond transforming our website, they have provided skilled and professional guidance to our marketing efforts. Highly recommended.

See review

Tatwin Rubber

Foo Keelong — Director

VoltMeUp's team were meticulous in understanding our project requirements and they were then able to communicate our message effectively to the intended audience. Issues and queries were promptly addressed and resolved. Highly professional with proven experience in matured competitive environments.

See review

Green Grins

James Lee — Founder

I highly recommend VoltMeUp for anyone who is struggling with the next steps of their business. I was at a stalemate with my business, and was only able to move my business forward in ways that I never knew how until I received Kenneth’s guidance. His guidance and wisdom have been invaluable and my business is stronger because of it. Do yourself a favor and give them a call!

See review

One Strategic

Say Kwee Neng — CEO

VoltMeUp's fantastic! So easy to deal with, and they instinctively understand what's needed for your business. A real pleasure to work with. Highly recommended!

See review

Moving you into revenue confidence

We've seen it time and again, when beautiful creative work is paired with simple, uncomplicated marketing — you get extraordinary business growth.

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